The dancers get a trim

I was asked to edit a photo of two dancers by using Photoshop’s crop and toning features.

The crop tool in Photoshop can really change a photo. I gave two dancers a crop in an effort to improve the photo.

Before the crop, the photo did not have a very clear focal point. Therefore, I used the crop tool to place the dancing couple on one of the third corners of the screen by using the rule of thirds.

The dancers were also overexposed by the sun. I toned their faces to decrease the overwhelming brightness. I warmed their faces by using the burn tool on Photoshop. I had to make sure not to make their faces too dark however so it didn’t look unnatural.

I warmed up other areas of the photo as well like the pavement behind the dancers exposed by the sun and the soles of the shoes of the male dancer.






One thought on “The dancers get a trim

  1. This image is very striking in that your eyes know where to go right away. It’s high contrast and high intensity and visually and emotionally captures the viewer. Way to go!


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